Open Your Doors Twice-Weekly to Homeschool Families

The Old Schoolhouse® (established in 2001) along with its online Bible-based curriculum platform,, exists to serve homeschooling families worldwide. A Church Schoolhouse is a local homeschool co-op for like-minded parents to gather together in a church environment and teach ready-made courses to homeschooled students in PK–12th grade. During its twice-weekly meetings, the Schoolhouse is an engaged community between homeschool families and the church leadership. Please note the Chalkboard and Church Bells and FAQ.

Homeschooling at the Church Schoolhouse

Why Do Christian Kids Need Christian Education?

  • Biblical worldview woven into every subject
  • Reinforces Lordship of Christ in all areas of study
  • Reminds students their God exists not just on Sundays
  • Builds upon what the church is teaching their family
  • Upholds God’s Word as authoritative and the final say
  • Fosters safety and stability with like-minded peers
  • Prepares students to pursue Christ after leaving school
  • Ability to “spot and avoid” anti-God philosophies
  • To know Biblical doctrine and share faith with others
  • Challenges students with high academics
  • Encourages commitment to Christ-centered living
  • Cultivates environment of good character

What Is a Schoolhouse?

  • It’s a (PK-12) homeschool co-op which meets inside a local church and utilizes the courses and platform.
  • “One-room Schoolhouse” method of learning
  • Meets two full days a week in local church
  • Families learn and teach together, PK–12th
  • Parents remain at facility with children (no drop-offs)
  • Christian worldview, no Common-Core courses
  • Utilizes solely curriculum
  • Shared workload among families
  • Parents sign up to teach classes from existing platform
  • No limits on classes taken
  • Extras like Yearbook Committee, High School Graduation, Mentoring Moms, Science Fair, Art Gallery, Field Trips, Public Speaking Club, etc.
  • No enrollment fee; only requirement is family holds membership to for coursework and tools

Why Join a Schoolhouse?

  • Community group setting
  • Christian, Bible-based environment
  • Accountability: Stay on track & positive peer pressure
  • Maximize homeschooling time
  • Socialization/camaraderie
  • Interactions with multiple ages/grades
  • Large group activities
  • Encouragement, support, sharing experiences
  • Teach what you love
  • Classroom experience for homeschooled kids
  • Networking with other parents
  • Gain credits (high school)
  • Paced learning, top-quality classes
  • Tutors lift academic burdens (trading teaching skills)
  • Challenging, engaging curriculum
  • Tools: report cards, transcripts, record-keeping
  • Extracurriculars: banquets, field trips, holiday events, yearbook committee, high school graduation, mentoring moms, science fair, art gallery, field trips, public speaking club, drama club, entrepreneur track, sports/field days, etc.

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Brochure for Pastors

Church Schoolhouse

I am a Pastor or Church Leader and would like information about opening a Schoolhouse in my church facility:
Church Schoolhouse

What State Homeschool Leaders and Affiliates Are Saying

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