Ideas for creating blog entries on eBooks

After reading an eBook, consider promoting it on your site or blog by using a review–and don’t forget to include your affiliate links. After all, the best advertisement is satisfied word of mouth.

Here are some suggestions on how to endorse eBooks on your site.

Increase click-throughs: Getting visitors to your blog or site to click on your affiliate banner is extremely important and directly affects the dollars you earn! An effective method for capturing the attention of your visitors is to write reviews about the products behind your affiliate banner.

Reviews: A review starts out with a general idea of the publisher’s work, but gets quickly down to specifics. It gives a picture of how one could use the eBook in daily life, for inspiration and encouragement, or in the homeschool, including planning, lesson preparation, and supply gathering. Have fun and write in a chatty way, and if appropriate, include photos.

  • Share basic information about the product, such as what is included, if it comes complete or needs extra purchases to complete it, if it is a book/CD/workbook/etc. Describe the product in detail.
  • Include personal opinions in your reviews. 
  • Be candid and speak with a personal tone/voice. Do not use “cookie cutter”, cut & paste reviews.  
  • Share with your readers how you utilized the product, what you thought of it, maybe what your family thought of it, if you would recommend it, etc.
  • Pros and cons are good. What did you like? What did you dislike? Are there things about this product that you think could be improved? Were you surprised or impressed by certain aspects of this product that you had maybe prejudged? Is it worth the price?  
  • Use a font and size that are easy to read. Also, be sure to separate your review into sections/paragraphs.
  • And, don’t forget – have fun! If you are having fun writing your reviews, your readers will surely enjoy reading them!

Try writing a review today. Simply select a TOS product, review it, place your affiliate links in the appropriate places, and encourage your visitors to click through on your affiliate banner!

**Have information that will benefit others on their affiliate journey? Email me your ideas and you may be featured in the next newsletter or the affiliate blog. We will also include a link to your site or blog, thereby increasing your traffic.  [email protected]