What is a Schoolhouse?  Essentially, it’s a homeschool co-op utilizing
SchoolhouseTeachers.com curriculum, which meets twice-weekly in
community with other families, inside a local church.

Who are the teachers? Parents in each Schoolhouse sign up to teach classes
based on the 400+ curriculum (Preschool through 12th grade) courses
available at SchoolhouseTeachers.com. Classes are taught according to the
Lesson Plans and Teachers’ Guides included in a membership to
SchoolhouseTeachers.com. Classes and work-texts stem from a Biblical
worldview. No Common Core.

Do I have to pay to join a Schoolhouse? The only requirement is to have a
current membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com, joining thousands of other
families in the U.S. and around the world who are also members. No per-child
fees. No per-class fees. No enrollment fees. Teachers do not charge for classes.
Members of ST are invited to join, and there is no charge.

Is there a discount code? For the pilot program(s) starting in the fall in East
Tennessee, there is a steep discount for new SchoolhouseTeachers.com
member families. The church that hosts the Schoolhouse or the Director can
provide those coupon codes.

During Fall 2023–24, on which days do families meet at a Schoolhouse?

Here in East Tennessee where the pilot program is currently running, there are six Schoolhouses in the Network. This means a family who signs up has access to one, two or all of them, if they still have room. Generally families gather together twice weekly, although some Schoolhouses only meet one day per week. The Director of each one sets up their Schoolhouse schedule according to the needs of the families within the community. The pilot program in East Tennessee commenced on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, and the various Schoolhouses within the Network provide over 30 classes to choose from on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

What kinds of classes are found at a Schoolhouse?
Here is what is neat about the classes you might find at any given Schoolhouse: Once you have a membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com, you’re part of The Schoolhouse Network, meaning you can choose one local Schoolhouse – or attend several of them because they are all very different – and your kids may take as many classes as they’d like. No limits on which classes you have access to as long as the ones at the location you want are not already full for the semester. As long as there is availability, you should have no problem signing up. Please get in touch with Gena Suarez if you have questions.

Church Schoolhouse

I live in East Tennessee and am interested in a registration packet to join a local Schoolhouse.
TN Schoolhouse
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