Name of Class: Schoolhouse Mathematicians

Parent-Teacher: Rebekah Brasure

NOTE: This class is almost full. Please (ASAP) contact the instructor (blue button below) if your child desires a seat.

Location: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities

When: WEDNESDAYS at 1:45pm-2:30pm

Maximum Student Size (Caps Out) Number: 12-13 kids.
Still availability as of today? YES (barely)

Ages/Grade(s) Recommendation: Grades 1-3

Class SummaryMaking math fun from an early age is the key to success for a lifelong love of mathematics. To begin in semester one, the emphasis is on basic math operations: counting, skip counting, addition, subtraction, understanding quantity, place value, time-telling, simple fractions, and counting money (we are going to play Kids’ Monopoly!). The second semester will include rounding numbers, double-digit addition and subtraction, borrowing and carrying. The highlight by the end of the school year will be that the kids have memorized their times tables (where age-appropriate), after having competed in timed drills, especially the older students. We will use games and other engaging activities to hold interest as we build on mathematical concepts which will equip the student with the needed readiness to embark on higher maths in future grades.

Orientation: A basic syllabus/outline will be given to parents outlining supplies and courses to download or access from

Length of Class: One school year (2 semesters)
Days: Wednesdays
Time: 1:45pm-2:30pm

Contact: Rebekah Brasure ([email protected])

Assistant Needed: Please inform the parent-teacher if you can volunteer to assist in this classroom. At least one parent-assistant is desired.


If you desire to sign your student up for this class, contact the parent-teacher right away (email listed above). You must have a current membership to to sign up, but one family membership allows you to take as many classes as you want with your children – no limits. Need a discount? A full year membership which covers every child in the family is normally $269.97. Click the red box below for the discounted price of just $189 for a full 365 days.

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