Name of Class: Middle School Math
Parent-Teacher: Stephanie Hopson
Location: Colonial Heights Baptist Church (Fridays) and Calvary Chapel Schoolhouse (Weds)
Maximum Student Size (Caps Out) Number: 15 kids.
Still availability as of today? YES
Ages/Grade(s) Recommendation: Grades 5-8
Class Summary: Gleaning from existing textbook courses on like the “Multiplication and Division Practice Unit”, “Algebra for Kids”, and “Pre-Algebra”, MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH will serve to teach new math concepts but will also involve much review of math facts by using class (and home) memorization techniques, interesting games and fun lessons. Students will establish a baseline starting point from assessed skills and build on those together as a class.
Orientation: A basic syllabus/outline will be given to parents outlining supplies and courses to download or access from
Length of Class: Two semesters (September 1-May 8)
Days: Wednesdays at Calvary Chapel and Fridays at Colonial Heights Baptist Church
Contact: Stephanie Hopson ([email protected], 423.647.2371)
Assistant Needed: Please inform the parent-teacher if you can volunteer to assist in this classroom. At least one parent-assistant is desired.
If you desire to sign your student up for this class, contact the parent-teacher right away (email and phone listed above) to get a seat, as the class will fill quickly (max 10-12). You must have a current membership to to sign up. Need a discount? A full year membership which covers every child in the family is normally $269.97. Click the red box below for the discounted price of just $189 for a full 365 days.