I don’t live in TN
Registration Forms (24/25 Year)
Enrollment Form
Code of Conduct Form
Your “Pool” of Courses
Tennessee Locations
Come As You Are Ministry
Parker’s Chapel Church
Johnson City
Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
First Baptist Church of Baileyton
Lighthouse Assembly of God
Piney Flats
Parent Support
Dress Policy
Phones/Electronic Device Policy
Hey, Mama! (Gena Suarez)
Dads & Discipleship (Paul Suarez)
Field Trips
Christmas Banquet
Study Hall – Homework
Schoolhouse Calendar
Pastors: Start Here
Church Schoolhouse
Dear Pastors
Chalkboard and Church Bells
Understanding the Schoolhouse Network
Scheduling Your Schoolhouse
Schedule Paul & Gena
I don’t live in TN
Registration Forms (24/25 Year)
Enrollment Form
Code of Conduct Form
Your “Pool” of Courses
Tennessee Locations
Come As You Are Ministry
Parker’s Chapel Church
Johnson City
Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
First Baptist Church of Baileyton
Lighthouse Assembly of God
Piney Flats
Parent Support
Dress Policy
Phones/Electronic Device Policy
Hey, Mama! (Gena Suarez)
Dads & Discipleship (Paul Suarez)
Field Trips
Christmas Banquet
Study Hall – Homework
Schoolhouse Calendar
Pastors: Start Here
Church Schoolhouse
Dear Pastors
Chalkboard and Church Bells
Understanding the Schoolhouse Network
Scheduling Your Schoolhouse
Schedule Paul & Gena
Schoolhouse Community Registration Forms
Fill out forms below and hit the SUBMIT button.
Schoolhouse Community Reg Full Form
Parent/Guardian Name
Church Schoolhouse Location
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian email
Parent/Guardian address
Emergency Contact name
Cell Phone
PLEASE LIST ALL STUDENTS BELOW (You may print additional sheets if needed.)
Student name
Grade level
Student email (optional)
Anything staff should know about
Student name
Grade level
Student email (optional)
Anything staff should know about
Student name
Grade level
Student email (optional)
Anything staff should know about
Schoolhouse Community Behavior Agreement Form
As the parent/guardian of the aforementioned students, I am aware of the rules set forth within this Schoolhouse Community. I understand that it is my responsibility, as the parent/guardian, to remain in communication with any teachers or staff. I will ensure that staff have my updated contact information, and I will check for notifications regularly. I will have my student(s) in class on time. I will pick them up from their classrooms on time. I will stay onsite unless there is an unexpected emergency, in which case an alternate guardian will be designated onsite and the Director will be informed. I will make sure my children understand what is expected of them in regard to classroom behavior and any class work. I understand that instructors or staff may reach out to me in regard to my student(s), and I will work with them in regard to my students’ education. I understand my volunteer responsibilities within the program. I understand that failure on my part to adhere to this agreement will result in my family being asked to leave our Schoolhouse Community.
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Email
Name of CHURCH Schoolhouse
Guardian Signature
Schoolhouse Community Behavior Agreement Form - Student Agreement
As a student, I am aware of the rules set forth within this Schoolhouse Community or have had a parent go over them with me. I understand the rules that I am expected to follow while at our Schoolhouse. I will arrive at class, with my materials, ready to learn. I will leave tech and toys at home unless bringing for Show & Tell and the tutor or Director has given advance permission. I will do all of my classwork and turn it in on time. I will reach out to my teacher if/when I need help. I will respect my teachers, the church, my classmates, and myself. I understand that failure on my part to adhere to this agreement may result in my removal from the Schoolhouse.
Student Signature
Student Email
Student Signature
Student Email
Student Signature
Student Email
Student Signature
Student Email
Schoolhouse Community Emergency Health Form
Student Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Address
Parent/Guardian Phone (Home)
Parent/Guardian Phone (Cell)
Parent/Guardian Email
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Address
If your child has any allergies (medications, foods, insects, etc.), please list below and provide an Emergency Action Plan (Epi-Pen, inhaler, medication, etc.). If there are any other health concerns and/or special needs pertaining to your child(ren), please indicate them below
I, THE UNDERSIGNED, GIVE PERMISSION to the Schoolhouse Community to contact emergency medical personnel in the event of a life-threatening emergency. In the event of an emergency, I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Schoolhouse Community, the church, and its agents against all claims as a result of any injury, transport, or treatment
Guardian Signature
Schoolhouse Medicinal Administration Form
Parent/Guardian Name
Name of CHURCH Schoolhouse
Student Name
Student Date of Birth
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Phone (emergency)
Parent Email
Medications to be allowed self-administration. Please list the medication name and the dosage guidelines of all medications that the student is allowed to self-administer.
As the undersigned parent, I, ________________________________ (parent name) acknowledge that the student listed on this paper is able to properly administer the medications listed on this paper. I understand that the student listed is completely responsible for keeping medications secured within their personal belongings while on campus. I release all Schoolhouse personnel from any responsibility of administering the listed medications for my student. This agreement shall be valid for the duration of the school year during which it was signed and must be renewed each school year.
Parent Signature
Schoolhouse Director, Print Name
Schoolhouse Director, Signature
By signing this form, I am agreeing to all the sections of this form and rules set forth by our Schoolhouse Community concerning registering my students for any classes.
Parent/Guardian signature
If you are human, leave this field blank.
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