Dear Parent-Teacher:

It’s time to create the summary for your upcoming class at the Tri-Cities Local Schoolhouse(s). Please fill out the form below and hit the submit button. It will assist us in posting the announcement of the class(es) you are teaching. Be as detailed as you like. We’ll have your class summary appearing on this site: (hover over “Local Classes”)

Fill out form below and hit the “submit” button.

Tri Cities Teach
Will you have a short syllabus or outline you can hand out to parents/students at ORIENTATION, which will take place the last week of August? (one page at a minimum).
We can open up a “request for one assistant” whom you will interview before you decide which parent to choose (several may volunteer). Totally optional

Anything else you’d like to say about your upcoming class? Please provide a short “invite” to it. Encourage families to sign up.

(Example: As the parent-teacher of the US History class coming to Greeneville, I invite you to sign up your high schooler so they’ll have one full history high school credit upon completion. He or she will learn a lot this coming school year, but even more importantly, your teen will form new friendships, learn to communicate effectively, cook a meal straight out of history, and enjoy the multiple activities immensely. It might be the best history class they ever take! I encourage you to sign them up, and I look forward to meeting you!)
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